
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Photo of poppers.Image via Wikipedia


  • "Poppers" is the popular name for various alkyl nitrites, including isobutyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, and amyl nitrite.
  • Doctors used to prescribe amyl nitrite for heart patients in capsules that were broken or "popped" to release vapors.
  • Amyl nitrite is made and sold illegally, but most poppers are isobutyl nitrite or butyl nitrite sold in small brown bottles as "video head cleaner," "room deodorizer," or "leather cleaner."
  • The exact contents of these products are not known, and they are not safety tested.


  • Poppers are used by sniffing the vapors from an open bottle. The effects are felt within a few seconds and last for 1-2 minutes.
  • Poppers cause muscles around blood vessels to relax, making your heart speed up to pump more blood. Oxygen-rich blood reaching the brain produces a "rush" sensation.
  • Because poppers cause muscles in the anus and vagina to relax, they are often used during sex.


  • If swallowed call 911 or Poison Contol.
  • Contact with the skin causes irritation and rashes. Extensive use can damage the nose and lungs.
  • Some people experience headaches, sensations of spinning or falling, and loss of erection.
  • Poppers are highly flammable. Keep away from cigarettes, candles, and lighters.
  • Studies show that poppers reduce the functioning of the immune system for several days after use.
  • Because poppers cause blood vessels to open, it is easier to get an infection, including sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.
  • Poppers pose extra risks for people who have suppressed immune systems, heart problems, low or high blood pressure, a history of cerebral hemorrhaging, anemia, or are pregnant.
  • Combining poppers with stimulants like speed and cocaine increases risks. Combining poppers and Viagra is dangerous because both cause blood pressure to drop.
  • Poppers can affect your judgment. If you are planning on being intimate, put on a condom before you use them.
  • To prevent spilling and evaporation, pour a small amount in a separate bottle filled with cotton and store tightly sealed in a refrigerator or freezer.
  • Possession of amyl nitrite without a doctor’s prescription is illegal. Federal law bans the manufacture and distribution of butyl nitrite and related substances, although these provisions have not been enforced.

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