
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Psilocybe zapotecorum. Jalisco, Mexico.Image via Wikipedia Description:
Mushrooms In theUnited States.s, hallucinogenic mushrooms are one of the most frequently used hallucinogens after LSD.

Although many species of mushrooms have psychoactive properties, Psilocybe Cubensis (Libery Cap) mushrooms are the most commonly used species among recreational and religious users. Other lesser-used species are Psilocybe Mexicana, Psilocybe Hoogshagenii and Psilocybe Zapotecorum. Nearly all of the psychoactive mushrooms are small, brown or tan mushrooms and look very similar to any number of non-psychoactive, inedible, or poisonous mushrooms growing in the wild. This makes them somewhat difficult, and potentially hazardous, to identify. On the street, these mushrooms are known as Mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms, Mushies, Shrooms, Sillies, Boomers Caps or Fungus.

Native Americans in Central and South America have used Psilocybe mushrooms for thousands of years. The first European record of their use was in the 16th century writings of a Spanish priest who wrote about the Aztec's use of both mushrooms and peyote. In 1957, ethnobotanist R. Gordon Wasson became the first in modern times to document and publish a description of his own experience (Life Magazine). In 1968 possession of psilocybin mushrooms was made illegal in the United States.

The average dose of mushrooms is 1-5 grams. They are taken orally or, in rare occurrences, smoked. Because of the less than pleasant taste, they are often mixed with other foods or drinks. Street prices run $5-20 per gram, $100 - $300 per ounce.

In general, the hallucinogenic experience is very similar to an LSD experience, but less intense and of shorter duration. The effects of these mushrooms can vary considerably depending on the species, but for Psilocybe mushrooms the user will typically experience effects including feelings of being out of one's body (ego loss), colorful hallucinations, distortion in spatial perception, time, and color shift. At higher does, users may experience lightheadedness, numbnesss of the tongue, lips or mouth, shivering or sweating, nausea and/or vomiting, and anxiety.

As with LSD, depending on the general mood of the user, bad trips can occur.

Physical Dependence: None
Psychological Dependence: Moderate
Tolerance: Moderate
Source: The Merck Manual: Sixteenth Edition, published 1992

Psilocybin is a mild to moderately habit-forming substance with no physical addiction. It should be noted, though, that virtually any substance can be addictive, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the user. It is a generally accepted notion among treatment professionals that the addiction, whether physical or psychological, is the problem, not the specific substance. Below are some treatment programs that may be useful for psilocybin users as well as others seeking help with an addiction:

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