hash varieties

Saturday, August 30, 2008

These are the hash varieties we have on the menu right now, the last week of January, 2005, and the ones that will be added in the beginning of February.

Blonde maroc, one of the smooth, soft Maroc varieties. This hash will get you through the day, without making you buzz off.

Afghani hash, not my favorite, but there are people that keep coming back for this black hash.

Honey Maroc, sweet and strong, on our menu for years, the choice of many regulars.

Primero, a smooth blond pollem with an after punch.

Willie’s Choice Ice hash, bubbles like lava!

Haze Ice, double pressed, which makes the oil flow through the material. Takes me off my feet, I advice to smoke this at home…

Ice Mix, ice hash from different strains, always a surprise!

Although this is a hash report, I could not resist adding a shot of our Shiva White, one of Sinsemilla’s house ‘brands’, pure bio, and it sure looks white:

The taste and high are incredible, makes you see the colors!

After taking these pictures, one of our new contacts came in, to show me some of his merchandise, so I kept on taking pictures, until I had tested the lot, which made me sit down, grin and munch away!
This is what was offered to us:

Amnesia bud, and 3 excellent Ice hashes.

The bud: Amnesia, the salesman is a close friend of Soma’s. I ordered a kilo right away, and a kilo of NYCD too! Both these strains will be available at Willie Wortel’s Sativa and Sinsemilla from Monday, January 31.

Haze Ice, the same material as in the previous picture, but this time it is only pressed slightly, the way our customers like it better. On the menu from 1-31-2005 at Sinsemilla and Sativa.

Shiva Ice, very spicy, very spacey! On the menu at Sinsemilla’s from 1-32-2005.

Power Plant Ice, on the menu at Sinsemilla’s from 1-31-2005! Come and taste the power!

This is what is left on the bottom after we sell out the Shiva GOLD, loads of trichomes.
Some people just ask for this, instead of whole bud, I guess you know why!


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